Thursday, July 12, 2018

July 12 - Reykjavik, Iceland: Day 2

Today was the final day of our big adventure.  After breakfast at the hotel we met our group "Bus 2" outside the hotel and boarded the bus for the Blue Lagoon Spa.  We drove about 35 minutes outside of town through miles and miles of lava fields.  It was interesting that again it was emphasized to us that the entire country of Iceland was simply a lava-created island and that the vast majority of the lava fields were very unsafe.  We were told two more stories of people walking off the path and simply having the ground open them up and swallow them because while the lava looks solid, it is far from it.

We arrived at the Blue Lagoon and as we pulled up Kim and I made an arrangement with another couple to quickly take each other's photos and the we could put the cameras away and enjoy the hot mineral waters of the hot springs (and of course sip our wine as we floated along!).  It was really interesting to walk out into the chilly (upper 40 degrees) air and then slip into the warm water which we were told was anywhere between 98 and 102 degrees.  We stayed in the water for over an hour before we exited, showered, and rejoined the group at the bus for a return trip to the hotel.

After lunch on our own we re-boarded the bus for a final tour of some of the local sights.  The first stop was an open-air museum somewhat along the lines of Williamsburg in Virginia, but with far, FAR fewer people....mostly a collection of old buildings to represent the way life used to be lived in Iceland.  Then we drove to "The Pearl" which is a big observation deck which gives you a 360 panoramic view of the city.  Finally we stopped at a church and then most of us walked back to the hotel.  Tomorrow we will be picked up at the hotel at 8:30 am for our noon flight (about 45 minute drive to the airport).  We are expected to land in Fort Lauderdale at 10 pm eastern.  We've had a great time; we appreciate everyone who's "traveled with us virtually," and look forward to our next adventure.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 11 - Reykjavik, Iceland

Cruise Ends - Post Tour Begins!

Departure from the Viking Sea - Travel to Iceland
I cannot say enough about how much we enjoy the Viking experience and today was just another one of the reasons why.  Two days in advance of the end of the cruise we had all the details and bag tags for how we'd be departing.  We had one of the later departures (9:15 am) so when our group was called we were escorted, literally at EVERY turn by a Viking rep in a business suit to the next turn.  Our passports were checked in minutes and our bags were grouped by color, with another Viking rep waiting there if we needed help.  A local teen took our bags (one for each of us) and took it to the coach while chit-chatting with us.  Checked onto the bus and escorted to the airport.  There we were met by about another dozen who were there to help us.  One couple had a check-in problem which delayed all of us, but we were through without issue and boarded for a two hour flight to Keflavik International Airport, about 45 minutes outside Reykjavik.  Immediately through the exit door were the Viking reps who escorted us to the bus and on the trip to the hotel.  Information sheets awaited with all the details for the entire stay, including check-out and pick-up time for our air departure three days later.  And then when we had put our bags in our room two Viking reps were waiting at their info table for questions.  They gave us a map and recommendations for dinner.  We walked about ten minutes to the first one and found it quite quaint.  Ordered the traditional "meat soup" and a pizza (which was about the size of a US "medium" pizza pie.  As our food arrived people arrived in droves - ohhhh, it was kickoff time for the World Cup Soccer game.  We finished quickly and gave up our table for some fans.  The bill for our two bowls of soup, medium pizza and two diet cokes....$63.90 in US dollars.  We were forewarned about the high prices.  But truly a great meal!

We returned to the room and it was about 6:30 pm, but to our bodies it was 8:30.  One of our most favorite summer programs is the CBS reality show, "Big Brother."  It launched the day after we left Florida and I'd searched for it while on the cruise but every place we found it - especially on the CBS site, it was banned from the viewing area..  Tonight, after discovering that AGAIN we could not watch it in this country via the CBS site, we found the episodes were available on Amazon.  PERFECT entertainment after a long day of travel!

Day 1 - The Golden Circle Tour
A breakfast buffet was complimentary from 6:30 am to 10 am and we were there about 7:15 am.  We met in the lobby with the nearly 100 other Viking guests - yes, we were surprised at how many were on this tour - and we boarded three buses for our all day excursion.  The temps were in the upper 40s all day and it rained virtually the entire day.  But we didn't mind at all.  In fact, the first stop was at Thingvellir National Park and it rained pretty good, in fact briefly it was ice crystals and I could see my breath.  Kim did not continue, but by this time I was already soaked and continued on the 45 minute walk.  I was intrigued that the wall between the two Teutonic plates had been a site for filming part of one of our favorite shows, "Game of Thrones."  Truly picturesque, despite the weather.

Note the "drenched look" - so wet, so regretting not bringing a hat

Still from the Season 4 Episode of "Game of Thrones" where Littlefinger leads Sensa through the "Bloody Gates of Eyrie" - filmed where we were today!

The "Bloody Gates of Eyrie" in real life!

Our next stop was the Geysir Hot Springs area. We were provided a full buffet lunch - which was delicious as part of the tour and then walked around the geysirs (or as our guide put it, "....I'm taking the geezers to see the geysers....."  LOL.  It was really interesting and we were able to see the "big one" explode not once but twice!
OK...rookie tourist mistake to go without a hat; but to stay without a hat would be foolish!  I have my "memento" from Iceland - a wool cap!

Just before the geyser explodes it "boils" to a blue bubble


Our third start was Gullfoss Waterfall, or "Golden Waterfall."  We walked the 107 steps down to the observation area and while I was less than comfortable I did back up to the fence for a photo op.

Our next stop was Kerid Crater.  It was an amazing and colorful site.  But even Kim didn't want to step down closer for someone to take our photo as the wind was really strong.  So we opted for a selfie.

It was a 45 minute drive back to Reykjavik and we concluded our tour at 5 pm.  We decided we'd just have a light dinner in the hotel restaurant, but when we climbed the stairs to the fourth floor to our room our keys wouldn't work.  They worked in the elevator, but wouldn't open the door.  Long story short, the batteries in the door lock were no good.  Took them over an our to figure out how to fix it and get it fixed.  After the first fifteen minutes the hotel gave us free drinks in the lounge while they worked on it and after it was fixed they - without asking - offered us dinner for free for our inconvenience.  It was well appreciated, and we thought the right thing to do.  Not only was the dinner free, but they provided paired wines for both courses of dinner....whooo hoooo!

Tomorrow we go to the Blue Lagoon, where we will be IN the thermal pool and then have a tour of the city.

Monday, July 9, 2018

July 9 - Bergen, Norway

The Final Port

Today we docked in Bergen, the final stop of the cruise.  But the trip is FAR from over for us as we continue on to Iceland tomorrow for four days!  The photo above is of the Bryggen Wharf, a UNESCO protected area and if you google it, you will get THIS photo.  That's what is often so cool about our adventures is that some of the noted world-wide spots we're seeing them live and in color!  But let's back track for a moment.....last night as we cruised out of the Geiranger Fjord we had dinner at the specialty restaurant, Manfredi's.  If you've followed along daily you may remember we ate there earlier in the cruise.  Loved it so much that we returned this evening.  Below you see Kim so excited about her mussels, me toasting with an excellent sweet, white wine, and our main course - we shared the rib eye steak and each had our own smaller pasta dishes.

This is representative of the scenery as we sailed away ..... amazing.

We arrived in Bergen at 8 am and our first tour was at 8:30 am.  It was a basic bus tour around the city with two photo stops as kind of an introduction to the city.  We arrived back at 11 am and had about 40 minutes before we met on the dock to begin our second tour.  Nearly everyone on the tour was surprised that we walked as much through the town because the highlight was certainly our boat tour of the fjord while we had a King Crab lunch.  But the weather was superb and the guide was great.  Speaking of the weather, you may not realize how lucky we have been.  The temps have been in the low 60s of late and the skies sunny and clear.  That's HIGHLY unusual for Norway - for example our guide today was telling us how lucky we are as Bergen averages 280 days of rain a year and earlier this year went through 85 consecutive days with rain!  NOT for us!  Highlight photos from the walking tour through the picturesque city......

We boarded the boat around 1 pm.  We were led to a private dining and observation deck and had a catered lunch of Norwegian soup, King Crab, and fresh strawberries, along with white wine during the meal and a dessert liquor which was peach in flavor.  Just great.

As we were finishing the meal we pulled out and began about a 90 minute cruise through the picturesque fjord.  The weather was just awesome, with a very cool breeze - just what these Floridian kids wanted from the trip - blowing as we gazed out over Bergen and the surrounding areas that lie around the fjord.  What a great way to end our visit to Norway!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 8 - Geiranger, Norway

WOW - Just, W-O-W

Today we arrived in Geiranger, Norway one of the smallest towns in the country (permanent residents currently 220!) which is nestled in one of the most picturesque fjords.  While most of our fellow guests opted for the excursion that drove up the hairpin turns to the top of the valley for panoramic photos, like this one.....

........we opted for the close-up view and hopped on board a jet boat.  CLEARLY one of the highlights of the trip.  JUST amazing.  You can watch the 3 1/2 video highlight of the hour and a half adventure and while it's a good representation, it's just way too hard to completely capture the feeling of being completely surrounded by these towering mountains, the massive waterfalls and all the while flying over the surface of the water.  But, check it out......

Here are the best of the best moments captured in still photos....
The panoramic view of the fjord as we entered this morning

Flying along over the glass-like fjord

Right up to the edge of the waterfall!

I mean RIGHT up to the edge!!!

Just cruising!

Nearing the mouth of of the fjord, we turned around to head back and got this great shot of the mountains

SOOOOO close :)

The Seven Sisters Waterfall

The Suitor Waterfall

Waterfall walk following the jet boat adventure

July 12 - Reykjavik, Iceland: Day 2

Today was the final day of our big adventure.  After breakfast at the hotel we met our group "Bus 2" outside the hotel and bo...