Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1 - Shetland Islands, Scotland

Rugged Beauty of the North
Our final day in Scotland, and our final day of separate excursions.  I left early in the morning for a tour of the "Rugged Beauty of the North" and the scenery was spectacular.  The best part of the long morning came at the end when we walked along the high cliffs overlooking the north sea.  Dramatic, and sensational panoramic views.  Even the video doesn't truly capture how amazing it was.  AND we were warned by our guide to not go anywhere near the edge because the wind was so "fierce" today as she termed it that we might find ourselves blown off the edge!

Walking the Nature Trails of Mousa Island
Kim's excursion was about an hour and a half walk along the scenic Scottish countryside until they reached the Mousa Broch, which used to be an early dwelling.  They climbed to the top and completed their walk....then hung out along the waterside.  The weather for both us - sensational, never got to 60 degrees all day!

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