Thursday, July 5, 2018

July 5 - Tromsø, Norway

Today was a BUSY day!  We arrived around 7:30 am in Tromsø - the second largest city in Norway - and were off on the "included" tour by 9:15.  We rode on the bus through the city and saw a unique church and then drove to a lookout point where the scenery was worth the price of admission.

Back on board by 11:30 where we had a little over an hour for lunch and re-grouping before our second tour. 

The second tour was also very scenic - the panoramas were "WOW" and I could have taken and posted at elast two dozen pictures of fjords with snow-capped mountains, but unless you were there they would all look the same.  As far as a "great excursion" we wouldn't rate it as such because we drove for an hour....had a waffle....went for a little walk (which was billed as 30 min and it took less than ten min, so we wandered around, the guide making it up as she went); and then drove the hour back.  Still, it was great scenery and that's what we came for.

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July 12 - Reykjavik, Iceland: Day 2

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