Thursday, July 12, 2018

July 12 - Reykjavik, Iceland: Day 2

Today was the final day of our big adventure.  After breakfast at the hotel we met our group "Bus 2" outside the hotel and boarded the bus for the Blue Lagoon Spa.  We drove about 35 minutes outside of town through miles and miles of lava fields.  It was interesting that again it was emphasized to us that the entire country of Iceland was simply a lava-created island and that the vast majority of the lava fields were very unsafe.  We were told two more stories of people walking off the path and simply having the ground open them up and swallow them because while the lava looks solid, it is far from it.

We arrived at the Blue Lagoon and as we pulled up Kim and I made an arrangement with another couple to quickly take each other's photos and the we could put the cameras away and enjoy the hot mineral waters of the hot springs (and of course sip our wine as we floated along!).  It was really interesting to walk out into the chilly (upper 40 degrees) air and then slip into the warm water which we were told was anywhere between 98 and 102 degrees.  We stayed in the water for over an hour before we exited, showered, and rejoined the group at the bus for a return trip to the hotel.

After lunch on our own we re-boarded the bus for a final tour of some of the local sights.  The first stop was an open-air museum somewhat along the lines of Williamsburg in Virginia, but with far, FAR fewer people....mostly a collection of old buildings to represent the way life used to be lived in Iceland.  Then we drove to "The Pearl" which is a big observation deck which gives you a 360 panoramic view of the city.  Finally we stopped at a church and then most of us walked back to the hotel.  Tomorrow we will be picked up at the hotel at 8:30 am for our noon flight (about 45 minute drive to the airport).  We are expected to land in Fort Lauderdale at 10 pm eastern.  We've had a great time; we appreciate everyone who's "traveled with us virtually," and look forward to our next adventure.

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July 12 - Reykjavik, Iceland: Day 2

Today was the final day of our big adventure.  After breakfast at the hotel we met our group "Bus 2" outside the hotel and bo...