Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4 - Honningsvag

Happy Birthday America!  We celebrated the 4th of July by sailing through Norway's inside passage to the northern-most city in Europe, Honningsvag, Norway.  We were docked less than 1,500 miles south of the North Pole, well above the Arctic Circle.....WOW.  Just as a point of reference, on this day last year we were in Saigon, Vietnam in 100+ degree temperatures.  We've truly been around the world!

We headed out this afternoon aboard a charter bus for the North Cape or Nordkapp as it's known here, one of the most northern points in all of Europe.  We were told of the 900+ passengers on board nearly 90% had opted for this panoramic trip.  The nearly one hour trip to the mountain top lived up to the billing of hairpin turns nearly all the way with panoramic vistas below.....

But as we reached the top we ran into more and more fog.  And by the time we arrived, you could barely see the global monument which served as the lookout point.  You could still see over the edge a bit, but looking out on the horizon, nothing but dense fog!

The bottom shows what the lookout at Nordkapp USUALLY looks like :)

Sailing The Inside Passage
Beginning last night during dinner and throughout the night and into the 4th we sailed through the islands and fjords of Norway's inside passage.  It reminded us so very much of cruising through Alaska (which is one of the many reasons we wanted to visit Norway).  It was also interesting to look out the windows and see land so very close on an "ocean cruise" - at times it felt like we were on a river cruise! Here are some selected photos of our sailing through this most scenic part of the "Land of the Midnight Sun" - so aptly named because for the four days we were in this region the sun NEVER SET!  You'd think that this wouldn't be a big deal on your body, but it's truly more difficult to settle down at night and sleep, even with thick curtains closed because your body really senses that it's daylight outside!

The Explorer's Lounge on the top deck

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